
Our mission is to help golf instructors embrace the benefits of modern golf coaching, master advanced coaching tools and strategies, and make a better living and live a better life.

The Need for Certified Golf Coaches

Golf Teaching Professionals have unknowingly engaged in and perpetuated a flawed golf instruction model that has significant limitations:

  • The teaching of technical swing mechanics without sufficient understanding of the science of skill acquisition

  • Promoting unrealistic learning and performance expectations

  • Insufficient contact time with students

  • Lack of a customized, step-by-step, practice plan that is geared toward on-course performance

  • No accountability to results

Certified Golf Coaches are committed to providing golfers with an alternative to the traditional teaching paradigm by offering students:

  • Coaching that is in alignment with the science of skill acquisition

  • Student-Centered environments that deliver improved performance on the course.

  • Unparalleled Support to students during practice to maximize the return on investment of their time.

  • Best Practices in Coaching obtained through industry leading training, networking, and continuing education.